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Our Team


Biel Obrador

Physiotherapist with 253

Osteopath CO

Pediatric specialist

Neuromuscular Dressing Course


Biel Obrador


Physiotherapist with 1448

Master in Osteopathic Techniques

3rd year student of Osteopathy

Sports Physiotherapy


Therapeutic Exercise

Dry Puncture and Kinesiotape



Graduate in Physiotherapy

Student 3rd year of Osteopathy

Dry Puncture Expert Course

Expert Course in Functional Assessment and Rehabilitation



INEF Physical Education Teacher

Specialist in Special Physical Education

Specialist in Organic Movement


Biel Obrador (Fisioterapeuta)

Sóc en Biel Obrador, fisioterapeuta i especialista en X.

Tenc X anys  d'experiència en el sector, lo que m'ha permés tractar mils de casos dels que he obtingut molts d'aprenentages que incideixen directament en la qualitat del servei que oferim i el temps de recuperació de tots els nostres pacients.


Aquí, a es Centre, ens regim per uns valors:

- Primar sempre el benestar del client

- Aportar més del que s'espera

- Oferir un servei a gran qualitat - preu

- Donar les millors solucions i eines al pacient


Customer Testimonials

Francisca Mestre Covas

Great professionals with good hands and better follow-up. 100% recommended.

Marina Nieto Sánchez

A care of more than 5 stars, very happy with my current physiotherapist Oscar, I certainly do not plan to change center in a very long time!

Inés Maria Planas Martin

Very good deal, the best professionals. For me one of the best not to mention the best. I am very happy with their work thanks to them I am great. Thanks.

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